Thursday, October 4, 2012

US drone strike in southern Yemen kills four al-Qaida-linked militants

A drone from USA killed four Al Qaeda militants in Yemen, an ally country of USA which have one of the most dangerous Al Qaeda base in the region.
The procedure was through An air strike with a flying drone to the car of the suspects, which were armed with power guns and explosives, killing four, left two wounded and one left scene.
This attack was a part of the US forces campaign to stop one of the most important networks left by Osama Bin Laden, because of the continuous terrorist attacks in government buildings.


VIRTUOSO!! (someday)

Ok, actually I’m doing a lot of interest stuff compared to last year. For example, I started as a class assistant at advanced construction 2: complex geometry, where we study the behavior of geometry with parametric patterns, and how to use certain software to put complexity to geometry, to finally turn it into a construction system. The other interesting stuff I’m already learning is Korean language, because I want to make a degree in Korea about construction materials and technologies…

So, based on that “learning schedule” (pretty tight) I’m not really into learning something else just because I don’t have time and energy, but that don’t means I don’t want to, so I’ll tell you briefly about  what I would like to learn in the future, but not necessarily with a real projection on accomplish it, just for fun (someday).

I literally (not literally really…) sucks at music. I barely hear some groups, and my only relation with an instrument was the flute at primary school (because was mandatory, other way I wouldn’t tried it). For that reason, one of my dreams (more than dreams, I just have imagined it) is become a virtuoso playing electric guitar, something that looks the most impossible thing to do in the universe, actually I think that flying a rocket to the moon looks easier to me… That guys who play unbelievable riffs while the stage explode in fireworks and the crowd shout insanely, must be one of the most adrenaline and exciting sensations in your life…I should give a chance to music someday.